- The 2,700 Acre Time Machine Ron Alverson uses a shovel to jab at a tangle of corn stover and cobs that carpets one of hundreds of furrows in the home quarter of his family farm. Just a few dozen yards away, a house stands watch over the empty field, a perspective shared by five generations of Alversons since this corner […]
- Meet the Alversons When Ron Alverson’s ancestors found their way in 1879 to a promising expanse of rich, vibrant prairie in the southeast corner of the great Dakota Territory, the United States had only just celebrated its first Centennial. Ten years after his Great Great Grandfather rolled up to Skunk Creek in an ox-drawn covered wagon with his wife and […]
- Soil Design Soil organic matter is the cornerstone of soil health, productivity and fertility. If you want to grow a crop, you need it for two essential functions: first, as a revolving “nutrient fund” that helps distribute minerals that sustain the entire biome of flora and fauna within the soil and keeps life above and below ground […]
- Carbon in a Form We Can Grab
- How to Balance Carbon
- The Pursuit of Zero Carbon Corn Crops don’t grow by themselves. Otherwise we’d call them something else. That’s where you find the difference between cultivation and foraging: work. Lots and lots of work. If you want to grow crops, whether it’s corn, cotton or cabbage, you’ll need to put in a variety of resources and effort to produce a harvest. And […]